Let's Flood Instagram with Respect!
With your help, we can begin to put a
more positive future in place for all.
It’s never out of style
Will you join us in standing up for a #return2respect?

- Promote the word “respect” nationwide, in the media and
on the web as a reminder to all. - Urge our leaders to lead us in a return to respect.
- Inspire leaders who aspire to return us to respect.
- Encourage and develop increased support for civility in
both government and the media. - Increase promotion of and power to organizations working
to bring back kindness, civility and common sense.
- Snap a photo tipping your hat or offering a casual
salute or other gesture that embodies respect - Email the photo to us at:
return2respect@gmail.com - We’ll feature the photo on the R2R Instagram page
- Challenge others to snap a photo for respect
It’s easy!
Click here to sign the
(it never goes out of style)
Tip your hat or hand for
The Return2Respect movement was created by a bunch of old
timers who have seen the power of and necessity for respect,
whether it be two people on a park bench or high level political
issues. It’s a grassroots project dedicated to making RESPECT
the hallmark for 2024 and beyond across the nation.
The respect we propose is beyond civility. It is the
core that informs how we interact in life.
Disrespect creates a cycle of negativity that breeds
anger and resentment that seeps into our homes, our
work and our every day lives. It perpetuates itself.
Children exposed to disrespect learn negative
behaviors, which can lead to isolation from their
peers and academic struggles affecting their future.
Communities cannot thrive. Employers lose
innovation and motivation from employees.
Respect is the foundation for all of society if we are
to collaborate, and to most of all trust and be trusted
from the halls of Congress on down.
We propose a positive way forward, a way to help
overcome isolation and division, stress and distrust.
It’s going to take us a while, but studies agree the
change needs to start at the top.
Spirited debate is vital but our elected leaders need
to respect each other in order to do what is best in
providing fair and equitable solutions for all. It’s just
common sense.
Name-calling and rhetoric inflame and should not be
used as a strategy by anyone, including the media.
Playing with emotions of fellow legislators or we the
citizens is a dangerous tactic that hinders progress
and can lead to violence.
Respect is a vital part of our lives, whether it
be friends or family, strangers, in business,
schools, our communities or government, on
the road or at home.
As we have learned, violence and hateful
speech are not getting us anywhere except
more divided than ever. The need for a
commitment to respect is most critical now.
Read on to learn how you can help.
$6 and more
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Join our
Facebook group
and stay updated
- On Social media pages: Include the hashtag #return2respect
- On your Instagram: Include the hashtag @return2respect
- Challenge others, including local leaders and dignitaries, to add
their photo supporting a return2respect. - Print out and display “respect” signs on your lawn, in your windows,
on your car or truck to spread the word. - Make a small donation and we’ll send you window stickers.
- Scroll back to the top and get your voice heard by signing the
Contact: return2respect@gmail.com
“As a country, as a culture, as Americans, regardless of our political affiliation or
ideologies, we can ”return2respect”. However we describe ourselves -- as children
of God, of Nature, of the Ineffable or just of our parents, whatever – we all
inherently deserve respect. This initiative calls upon everyone without exception,
to recognize the dignity of the other and of ourselves as an essential element to
engage together in building a functioning society.”~ John Steiner, Colorado, Co-
founder of Reuniting America, Search for Common Ground, and Threshold
Foundation, trustee of the SteinerKing Foundation, Director at the Boulder
Institute, Advisor to Business for America and Listen First Projects
The idea is strong and has the potential for impact, almost like a fundamental part
of an operating system for putting the country back on track from social fabric
that is frayed or political processes that divide us. It captures an important
fundamental aspect that is missing in society today—equality, human dignity,
fixing what’s broken in politics and society. We need to appreciate each other and
appreciate that there will be differences. Another way to say this is, we need to
“return2respect.” ~ Walt Roberts, Oregon, Change Management Strategist and
Co-founder, Inter-Movement Impact Project to Generate Democracy
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gather ideas
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Respect Sign
Our Coordinator
Where everyone belongs
Our goals
“Return to respect” is a campaign to make visible that which most Americans want.
Backed by our own actions, it becomes a call to our leaders and elected officials to
act in a manner more fitting their office. It’s time to stop with the public
melodrama and begin acting like adults. ~Debilyn Molineaux, Maryland,
AmericanFuture.us, co-founder and past President, Bridge Alliance
Ask our leaders to lead the way to civility
and our media to reduce harmful rhetoric.